Welsh Family Kitchen
MAKER'S MARK MANHATTAN A Maker's Mark Manhattan from the California Grill
This is Tom's drink-of-choice when dining out. It is ordered as a "Maker's Mark Manhattan Up." Tom salutes Dennis Cox, Chief Bartender, of the California Grill at Walt Disney World, for introducing Tom to the perfection of this drink.
1 oz. Sweet Vermouth
2 oz. Maker's Mark Bourbon
1-2 Maraschino Cherry, either stemmed or on a party/resort toothpick.
Crushed Ice
1. Pack a small stemmed glass with crushed ice and water, chilling thoroughly, until the glass is frosted.
2. Add the vermouth and bourbon to a cocktail shaker with a generous amount of ice.
3. Shake/swirl the cocktail in the shaker until the shaker is also frosted.
4. Empty the ice & water from the frosted glass and replace it with the cherry.*
5. Strain the cocktail into the frosted glass, eliminating all traces of ice.
6. Serve immediately.
The entire secret to this drink is that it be served very cold. It can be served, "on-the-rocks", but the melting ice just dilutes the drink. Some bartenders will include 2-4 cherries(!), but this usually is an attempt to mask a poorly made drink.
*Some classier places will serve the empty, frosted glass, with cherry and serve a small vial, resting in ice, of the actual drink, allowing the server/diner to pour, thus insuring that the drink has not been diluted.
Some bartenders, with lesser talents, will keep a pitcher of Manhattans in the bar and then serve from the pitcher when ordered. These are usually watery as ice has been added, repeatedly, to keep the mixture cold. They also, usually, feature a lesser known (cheaper) brand of bourbon.
Ordering a specific brand insures that the drink will be made, fresh, when ordered.
The drink should be of a dark amber color. A pale Manhattan is a sure sign of excess water.
The best of the best are made by:
>Dennis Cox, California Grill, Walt Disney World, Florida
>Brenda, Flying Fish, Walt Disney World, Florida
>The Alhambra Dinner Theatre, Jacksonville, Florida
>Restaurant 213, Fruitland, MD [The 1st is good, the 2nd is watery.]
The worst include:
>Southwest Steakhouse, Salisbury, MD [room temp in a water glass]
>Adam's Ribs, Fruitland, MD [there should be some vermouth!]
>Sobo's, Salisbury, MD [there should be some some bourbon; not just vermouth! -- way too sweet]
To make a pitcher for the fridge, Tom uses a cruet that is marketed with Good Season's Salad Dressing. Combine 100 cc of Sweet Vermouth with 200 cc of Maker's Mark. Cap tightly and refrigerate.
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