Welsh Family Kitchen
Comes from Ann Ferrarello
5 cups of basil loosely packed
1/2 cup of olive oil
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
Spinach leaves [optional]
Pine Nuts [optional]
Combine ingredients and blend in the food processor
- This pesto is delicious on pasta (and makes enough for approximately 2 lbs of spaghetti).
- Freezes well but is better fresh.
- We serve with shrimp scampi.
2024-01-30: Another batch from ,our garden using basil, parsley and pine nuts.
2024-01-18: With basil and parsley from our garden, I added pine nuts and EVOO, to be used later today over pasta with shrimp.
2021-03-09: Amnother batch as the base for Pesto Tomatoes
2021-02-21: with Basil from the Aerogarden, we added a few spinach leaves and some pine nuts and served over a half box of vermicelli.
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